Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Question for Christian Republicans

Now tell me again why you are supporting Giuliani and not McCain? (Thanks, Glenn.)

Is it the social issue thing?


robert austell said...

Then again... this makes one re-consider altogether...


[sorry, don't know how to embed it here and apologies if you've already seen it]

Paul Stokes said...

That's a great video, Robert. Huckabee has a sense of humor, and that's a good thing. The part about abolishing the IRS was a puzzle though. Without the IRS, how is he going to fund all those social programs that people have been saying he would establish?

robert austell said...

Good question, Paul. I'm still keeping my options open.

Now if he had Jack Bauer's endorsement, it'd be a done deal.


Paul Stokes said...


Jana said...

my not-very-well-informed opinion:

I think McCain is a loose cannon.
And, he's really old.

Ted Olsen (sp?) is Guiliani's judicial coach guy. Doesn't that set your mind at ease?

Paul Stokes said...

I agree that McCain is eccentric, has a temper, and is aged. Is it nuts for me to say "I like his heart"? I think that if he were president, the rough edges would be moderated and we would have the substance of the man in play. The age part doesn't bother me very much, but it could make the vice-president choice more important than it might otherwise me. Who do you think that would be?

Jana said...

I think it's good to "like someone's heart" in an election. I don't really know that much about McCain--I need to learn more. Of course, as my rather apolitical husband likes to remind me, THE ELECTIONS ARE A YEAR AWAY. :)

It wears us out...

Paul Stokes said...

Amen to that!