In the Encore section of today's WSJ, the front page article is entitled "The Best Online Tools for Navigating Retirement" and its complete with a photo of a couple contemplating retirement, a photo right out of the 50s. So I guess that we baby-boomers have become our parents. I mean I love(d) my parents, but that's pretty depressing, even though I look in the mirror each morning shaving and I see my dad. Thanks a lot.
Anyway, since this article is behind the pay-wall, I'll just list the "best on-line tools" in a series of posts and give you a short description. This is my first post in that series. Here is this site's welcome:
Welcome to your path to freedom. That is what financial Life Planning
is all about—the freedom to find your dreams, and to bring them alive.
Life Planning helps you reorganize your relationship to money so that
your financial resources are dedicated to supporting your life of
greatest value, meaning and purpose.
This sounds vaguely religious. Yet this is the WSJ's "favorite." It "offers a free series of introspective exercises," probably because us boomers are pretty flabby with that sort of thing, introspection I mean. We are notoriously outwardly directed when we are not smoking pot. We've got to get in touch with our inner selves or risk defaulting to the Villages. The site also provides links to "financial planners trained in 'life planning.'" Life Planning "focuses on helping clients clarify their goals, values and priorities before planning their finances."
Actually, the couple in the photo appear to be happy. (Although it disturbs me that they are not holding hands - its sort of a knuckle-bumping walk into retirement, I guess.) Maybe they have their future pretty much squared away. Probably because they saved a lot of money over the years buying their clothes at Goodwill.
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