Sunday, May 13, 2007

Racing Day!

Well, yesterday was RACING DAY!!! We borrowed a stroller with an infant car seat adapter from my brother and his wife and headed out to join hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of others as we ran from the Hula Hut through scenic Tarrytown and back to the Hula Hut again in the "Hot To Trot 5K"(a race that supports Big Brothers, Big Sisters.)
Having not run a lick in over a year, I was a bit daunted by the idea of running a 5K, but I believed that it would be possible with the help of a little interval running (not to mention the encouragement of my fantastic husband who slowed his own pace considerably so as not to leave me and Honor in his dust!) Let me hear three cheers for interval running! (and three more for Macon and his great patience and encouragement through the race).

Aidan rode in our BOB stroller (YEA for BOB strollers!) while Macon pushed him, and Honor rode in her carseat which was attached to yet another BOB stroller (did I mention, YEA for BOB strollers?) that I pushed.

Here's some pictures of us before and after. I'm sure you'll be able to tell which is which!

I must admit that the main reason I was motivated to sign up for this was because I had heard on the radio that this race had "pretty cool t-shirts". Unfortunately, whoever made that statement does not have great taste. We were disappointed to discover that the t-shirts were not "pretty cool" at all. Next time we register for a race, we're checking out the t-shirt design first!


Walter said...

they were cool if what you mean by cool is lame.

that is, lamé meaning interwoven with gold and/or silver threads.

Emilie said...

I am SO impressed with you (and your strollers)! Congratulations! :)

Scott said...

Very cool (in the traditional, hip sortof way). I particularly liked the Charlotte themed/based t-shirts.

Kellsey said...

Scott, you are SO OBSERVANT! I hadn't even noticed that both of those were Charlotte "themed/based". You are right! You win a prize! Maybe we'll let you have a nice glass of wine or beer while you visit!

Kellsey said...


YEA! you commented! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good!

Anonymous said...

I said that twice because I can't figure out this comment system. It must be a generation thing.

Anonymous said...

But it was worth saying twice.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you're going to talk about the t-shirts, and if the t-shirts you're both wearing are not the t-shirts from the race, aren't you going to show us one of the t-shirts from the race so we can see it?