Thursday, April 03, 2008

Reading My Way to Spain and Back

Taking to read for the long, roundtrip flight to Spain (leaving tomorrow):

My Grandfather's Son: a Memoir, by Clarence Thomas. I read the preface and first two pages of the first chapter today and had to force myself to stop so I would have it to read on the trip; it is that well written and interesting. He wrote it himself.

Shadow of the Sun, by Ryszard Kapuscincki. This is non-fiction too, about Africa, and a recommendation from Mary. I'm about 1/4 of the way through it. It's good too.

A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle. A friend at church asked me to read this and talk to her about it. This is an Oprah Book Club selection, and the author is some sort of spiritual sensation. So, Oprah is covering the waterfront here: politics with Obama, religion or "spirituality" with Tolle. I never heard of Tolle until last Sunday, but then I read about how popular he is. I'll give you a complete report.

NIV Bible: So I can keep up with the chronological readings our men's group started on January 1.

Latest issue of World Magazine. Came in the mail today.

Tomorrow's WSJ.

iPod with the last several Mars Hill Audio programs on it.

I have some of those noise cancelling earphones too. Totally prepared.


MA said...

10:30 PM, Paul?!!

Have a great trip!

Paul Stokes said...

It was a little late, but the night before trips out of town we have a sort of tradition. Thanks for the well wishes.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Bought My Grandfather's Son for the week at the beach at the end of the month. If I read it on the beach, will I get a sunburn?


Paul Stokes said...

You will get sunburn, Ken. But read the book anyway.