Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yo Soy Catolico?

Fr. Neuhaus writes in the first chapter of Catholic Matters, the chapter entitled "The Church We Mean When We Say 'The Church':"

"The [Second Vatican] Council's document on Christian unity, Unitatis Redintegratio, says that all Christians who are baptized and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour are 'in a certain but imperfect communion' with the Catholic Church. . . . Other Christians [that is, non-Catholic Christians] may bridle at this. They don't take kindly to the Catholic Church's assumption that they really are Catholics, although imperfectly so."

I don't take unkindly to this proposition.

Fr. Neuhaus dedicates his new book to Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. "friend and mentor". It turns out that Cardinal Dulles was a Presbyterian before he moved away from imperfection and toward perfection. (Fr. Neuhaus doesn't like the word "convert" to describe a Catholic like himself, like Carinal Dulles, who was formally a non-Catholic Christian.)

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