Fear not! My knee should be fully recovered in four more weeks, which gives me four months to get my 5K time down.
While I haven't been able to run, I have been able to train for a number of other events. For those of you rooting for my practically assured victory, I know that you will be relieved by the image below. For my competitors, well, I can only imagine that it strikes fear into the very marrow of your bones. If you like, I will gladly save you travel time and expenses and accept the Mr. Davidson 2007 award from you right now.

ps: For your edification, in the sidebar I added a handy timer counting down the time to the Mr. Davidson 2007 Opening Ceremonies.
* where "many" > 0 and < 2.
I recite entries from the OED while snatching the Kettlebell.
More acurately, Morgan yells out page, column and line numbers and I have to recall the entry and provide the etymology of the word so-located in the unabridged volumes before I'm able to call it a set.
I want to tell you: I am one proud father.
that's a lot of awesomeness ;-)
Sean, we use the expression "awe-son-ness". Thanks.
I think you should expand the competition to an invitational format, and that Sean, Scott, and Robert should get the first invitations. And where is Walter in all this? Should there be some sort of kettlebell event to lure him in? I think that the Mr. Davidson competition should be a living thing, something that responds to the felt needs of the times, not some stagnant remembrance of things past. And what about the women? Would that be Ms. Davidson? Finally, will it be on cable?
I think I'll have another Bud and clean my guns while y'all figure this out.
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