A post we made over the Memorial Day weekend was the source of some consternation. Why was I spreading sand in my backyard? As I commented, it is an old Miami Springs custom to put yard sand on one's yard. No one really knows why, even though I wrote something about "organic materials" in the sand. (I just made that up.) You really don't have to know why. It's something you accept if you live in the Springs. And in this post-modern culture, well, that's simply OK now, isn't it.
As an update, we offer this video:
THank you Thank you for the update! I am glad to see the sand has been spread, and thank you also for your earlier answer to my query re: lawn sand.
Oh, you're welcome, Kellsey. If you like, we can wait for Sand Pile II until your next visit! Since we won't be able to afford gasoline to go anywhere, that will give us all something to do.
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