Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Fellowship of Presbyterians

As we continue to grow in number and begin to clarify our focus . . . it may be confusing to keep “PC(USA)” in our name, as our core commitment is not to renewing the structure and systems of our denominational bureaucracy, nor is our sole focus on congregations remaining within the PC(USA). At the same time, we honor and claim our theological and confessional heritage as Presbyterians. And so, as we complete the final stages of incorporation as a 501(c)3 organization, we officially announce our name: “The Fellowship of Presbyterians.”

-From "What's in a Name? Announcing our New Name and Logo."

The three day "Gathering," called by the Fellowship in Minneapolis, began this past Thursday with "[n]early 2,000 Presbyterian pastors, elders, and lay leaders, representing more than 830 U.S. congregations . . . ," and wound up Friday.


Sean Meade said...

did you read this post by Ken Bailey on the website? fantastic.

Paul Stokes said...

Thanks, Sean. I hoisted the link.