Sunday, June 24, 2012

Child Brides in Africa

Carlos, Karen, and their family have started a year of home assignment.  Today Carlos spoke at our worship service about their work in a non-Christian country in Africa.

Among other things, he spoke of the custom there of girls as young as nine being taken as brides.  (The custom is not necessarily limited to non-Christians.)  I asked him about the fistula issue, and he said that no country had a more heart-breaking record in that respect than his country.  For that matter, he said, no country had a higher infant-mortality rate than that place.  When I  mentioned MJ's interest in Ob-Gyn and surgery, he said that the country was in great need of Ob-Gyns not just for fistula surgery but for what they do generally for mothers and their children, unborn and newborn.

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