Mmmm. It can get better than this. But this is very good.
Overcast outside. Big day ahead - a long to do list.
1. Catch up with my timeslips for October, because the end of the month is here. I really, really hate those things. As if one can value a life by the tenth of an hour. Thank you bean-counters of America and what you did to our profession; may hell consist of mountains of beans for you and a calculator whose batteries run out every 10 seconds.
2. Do the David Alan office sweep. Sometimes this is encouraging and other times it is discouraging, as in, I don't have enough life left to get this stuff done. Who knows what today will bring. I pray for the former, of course.
3. Finish the veggie garden. We have been nursing our "starts" since last Saturday. They are still in their little pots. I started last weekend on clearing the grass away from a patch in the back yard to which to transplant them; got some soil stuff at Lowe's; but I have quite a ways to go. The best thing would be to build a box around the patch; cover the ground with cardboard; and then fill the box with 20 or so bags of store-bought soil, mulch, compost; and then plant. This helps avoid the bugs, etc. But I don't have time for that, so I'll loosen the soil that's there (a lot of sand left over from the renovation), mix in what I got from Lowe's, put in the starts, give them tender loving care (mainly water and weed removal), and hope for the best this year. (There's always next year with the box, etc., if we crash.)
4. Prepare for the Sunday School class tomorrow. Chapters 3 and 4 of Ortberg's, If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to . . . That's fun. The only problem with this study is that I would sort of like to walk on water, but stay in my nice comfortable boat. Can't we work that, Lord? All things are possible, right?
5. Flag the sprinkler system. The last step of the renovation will begin on Monday, when the old asphalt driveway will come out and pavers go in. I have little flags to put out at the sprinkler heads, so the workers know to avoid them, or at least might devote some effort to doing so. I am not optimistic, but at least I've learned how to fix the system.
6. Do paper work at desk at home. I can't keep up with all of this. It's nearly as bad as the office.
7. Go to the Halo-Ween party at church tonight. This is an outreach effort to get the parents in the community to bring their little kids, so we can meet them. Carol is on the committee getting ready for it, and will spend all afternoon decorating. I am to show up to help at the party itself. We are not suppose to have scary masks, and frighten the little kids. What fun is that?
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