Based on Kevin Kelley's review of a review
Merlin Mann's review turned me onto this fantastic book. We've rethought our household because of it. We were reminded that life is not about stuff; it's about possibilities, which the right tools can enable. For a world of expanding stuff, this book is the necessary anti-stuff tool. . . . It will help you distinguish between that which is fabulous for you personally and that which is just more junk to organize. I've learned so much from the author that I've excerpted it generously in the hope that even if you don't read the book, you'll glean a bit of its wisdom.
Being the son of my father, I am already disposed to get rid of "stuff". Nice to have help along the way. :-)
Looks good! Here's an idea: get a book, get rid of a book. Get a t-shirt, get rid of a t-shirt. Etc.
Peter Walsh has a website:
It sounds very good, Macon. This process doesn't come naturally to me, so I need all the help I can get.
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