Sunday, February 12, 2012

Heart Disease is the No. 1 Killer of Women

Statistics from the American Heart Association show that:
• More women die of heart disease than all forms of cancer combined;
• More women die from cardiovascular disease — one in three women — than breast cancer, which kills one in 31 women in the United States;
• Some eight million women in the United States live with heart disease;
• But only one in six women in the country consider the disease her greatest health risk, and;
• Ninety percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease.

-from today's Miami Herald.

Main risk factors for heart disease in women, according to the article:

• Over the age of 55
• Menopausal
• Hypertension
• High cholesterol levels
• Diabetes
• Overweight
• Family history

Read more here:

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