Just How Far Did that Apple Fall from the Tree? "Friends of God", the younger Pelosi's Documentary on American Christianity. Nancy Pelosi's daughter Alexandra is a documentary filmmaker and her recent documentary on Christians in America is getting a lot of ink. Any guesses on how Nancy Pelosi's daughter would film American Christianity? Here is one answer.
Another take on the film appeared in a WSJ journal article Friday. In this one, the writer admires the spare way in which Alexandra narrates the film, as if a camera without narrative is an objective look at any subject. The article also comments on a portion of the film where Ted Haggard is interviewed. (In a happy coincidence for Alexandra, she filmed her visit to Haggard and his church before the scandal.) According to the WSJ, Alexandra in this segment focuses not only on Haggard's views on homosexuality, she includes interviews with men in his church who comment on how often they have sex with their wives.
Right, we talk about that subject all the time at our Men's Bible Study.
Look for this film to be played up just about everywhere.
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