Six Questions.
I was one of three people that Sean tagged to answer this list of questions.
1) What is the most fun work you've ever done, and why?
The summer between my junior and senior year at college, I worked as a research assistant for a history professor who was writing a book on Southern Christianity before the Civil War. I stayed in Durham for that summer. Why was it so much fun? I was very, very interested in that subject, and the professor and his wife, who was also a history professor, were young and fun to be with, and they liked the work I did and we had great talks about the subject. And I was nowhere near the girlfriends who kept my life in such turmoil during my years at college before I met Carol. (I met her at the end of the first semester of my senior year.)
2A) Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did?
Sing in a very good choir, with a fine director and equally fine choral music, and get a chance to solo now and then.
2B) Name one thing you've always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
Get the sort of sailboat that trailors easily, that is seaworthy, that will sleep two comfortably, and can sail right up onto a beach. Trailer it up the coast of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina and, from time to time, put it into the water and sail around for a few days. Then sail it back, trailer it again, and move up the coast to another inviting spot. I know the sail boat I would want for this, a Rhodes 22.
3A) What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why?
Hebrew. Greek. So I could read the Bible in the original texts.
3B) If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
Wow, this is a hard one, because there are so many people I would want to choose. I mean, you would have to say Jesus first, and then St. Paul, and then St. Augustine, Calvin, Martin Luther, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, the first Duke of Marlborough, Shakespeare, Wellington, Michelangelo. The list would go on and on.
4A) What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?
A little self-centered, funny sometimes, moody sometimes.
4B) Now list two more words you wish described you.
Entirely competent. Christlike.
5) What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes)
Carol, then the rest of my family, and thirdly my law practice.
6) Write and answer one more question that YOU would ask someone.
"Why do you think God put you here at this time and place?"
First, I am absolutely unique and God wanted someone just like me at this particular point in the space-time continuum to love him and to be loved by him. Second, somewhere in the scheme of things, I fit into a larger plan that is so wonderful and beautiful that I can only dimly and mostly incompletely imagine it. As to my particular part of that plan, it has to do with being the husband to my wife, father to my children, grandfather to my grandchildren, son to my mom, friend to my friends, lawyer to my clients, and a member of the church, visible and invisible, local and globa. - all the things I am doing now. I feel pretty much within God's will presently but with too many major, major exceptions that have to do with my inability always to do the right thing and think rightly.
OK, whom do I tag? I tag the Beetz!!!
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